Thursday, 19 August 2010

Council Terrier of Ilkley Open Spaces

Council Terrier

Taken from a letter received after a request to Bradford Council’s Legal Services, about who leases what from whom and for how long, in Ilkley. Also, the Legal definition of other areas in Ilkley.

St. Margaret’s Park

Between Queens Road and Parish Ghyll Road.

This is described in the Council’s Terrier as a Public Park. It was part of the Middleton Estates that were purchased by the Local Board for Health for the District of Ilkley on the 29th June 1893 and thus the freehold is now vested in the Council as successor to the Board.

Mill Ghyll between Wells Walk and Wells Promenade

This is held on a Lease dated the 1st June 1873 made between William Middleton and the Local Board for the district of Ilkley. The term of the Lease is for 999 years. The rent is one shilling per annum, if demanded, and the use of the land is restricted to that of ornamental woodland and shrubbery’s. It is described on the Council’s Terrier as Public Gardens.

The person with whom I was dealing, checked with Bradford Council’s Finance section and no demands for rent have been made thus it is difficult to ascertain the identity of the freeholder. They pointed out, it may be the Middleton estate is still in existence and only local enquiry would ascertain if that was the case, or if another party is the successor to the late William Middleton. This so far, has drawn a blank. The surveyors who acted on the auction sale on the 26th September 1917 of what was the residuum of the Middleton Estate were Empsall & Clarkson then of 7, Exchange, Bradford.

The area so leased, extends from The Grove, through Corn Mill Gill (as it states on a copy of the Deeds), taking in two small areas of grass at the Southern end of the Gill and the wooded stream to the South side of Queens Road.

Canker Well Gardens The Grove

No reference to the above could be found in any deeds relating to the Middleton Family or Ilkley Local Board, of the Canker Well Gardens as they stand. However, it is suggested they may be included with that of Mill Ghyll?”

Perhaps someone could come up with the required documentation, Bradford being unable to do so. They might also have the answer to why the latter cannot? Please send your answers to our e address and include a return email address. Thank you.

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